A payday loan is a short term, high interest loan that is designed to be repaid by your next payday. There are many reasons why you should say yes to a payday loan. One of the best reasons to say yes to a payday loan is if you have an emergency financial situation. Other reasons include the fact that they are quick and easy to obtain, there is no credit check or collateral required, you will have your money no later than the next day, and nobody will ask you what the loan is for. Payday loans are available both in physical loan offices and on the Internet. The loan amount that you can apply for is usually between $100 and $1,500.
If you apply for a payday loan at a physical loan office, your application will be reviewed and approved while you wait. Once your loan is approved, the proceeds from the loan will be directly deposited into your checking or saving account, usually that same day. If you apply for your loan on the Internet you loan will be approved that same day. The loan proceeds will be electronically deposited into your bank account by the next business day. In either case, your bank account will automatically be debited on your next payday. If you can?t repay the loan on time, you should notify the lender immediately. Usually, the lender will offer you an extension at a higher interest rate which can become rather expensive. For this reason, extensions should be avoided if at all possible because they can lead to financial problems sooner or later.
The eligibility requirements for a payday loan are that you must have a valid driver?s license or other form of photo identification, you must be at least 18 years old, your must have a regular income or stable employment, you must be a citizen, and you must have a bank account.
Prior to applying for a payday loan on the Internet, you should do some research to find the lowest interest rate and the most favorable terms and conditions. The payday loan business is very competitive and the interest rates that are offered can vary considerable from one payday loan lender to another. Obviously, the advantage to applying for a payday loan on the Internet is that you can do so from the comfort of your own home. In addition there is no documentation to be faxed. The application can be filled out on an online form.
A payday loan can be used for anything that you want but they are intended to be used for financial emergencies such as overdue rent, a medical emergency, a car repair, or a bank overdraft. These are just some of the reasons to say yes to a payday loan.
Click here for more information about online payday loans and payday loan yes.
Source: http://tricoya.org/finance/reasons-to-say-yes-to-a-payday-loan/
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