Friday, February 1, 2013

Mental Health, Self-improvement & Happy life ?Counselorssoapbox ...

Taking stock of where we are in this no longer New Year ? January Recap

100_0730_003One month of 2013 come and gone, time to reflect on where we are and where we are going. So far this month we have talked a lot about taking stock of where you are and deciding were you are going. This happy life journey is all about becoming who you truly want to be.

I noticed that there are still a lot of people coming in to join us that are reading last year?s posts about diseases and disorders. When you are stuck in depression, anxiety or substance abuse you may not be ready to begin a journey towards happiness. First you need to define what you issues are.

Occasionally we may need to take a detour to help someone catch up with the direction towards happiness. As we progress I we will continue to examine the research that I come across, things that may explain why some of us have certain of life?s struggles and how you might overcome them.?

One goal for this New Year has been to get these blog posts out on a regular basis. That seems to be working. I find I am able to write posts ahead of time and schedule them to appear on their appointed day. This has avoided those times when life and work prevent me from writing a post.

The progress on the book has been slow but I continue to work on getting it finished. The plan is to have a book published by years end. I will mention some other writing projects as we go along.

I will endeavor to keep the shameless self-promotion to a minimum but my writer friends tell me that spreading the word about your writing is a requirement in this strange new e-book universe.

Here are some of the top viewed posts from this month, January 2013:

  1. How much should you tell a therapist???????????????????
  2. Do people really forget what happened when drinking? ? Blackouts???????????????????????
  3. 6 ways to recover from Complex Trauma or Complex PTSD?????????????????????????
  4. What is the difference between depression and Major Depressive Disorder?????????????????????
  5. Why can?t we forget the painful past????????????????????
  6. Are you Hyperthymic???????????????????
  7. Do therapists have to report a crime?????????????????????
  8. Which border is Borderline Intellectual Functioning on?????????????????
  9. Do others harm your self-esteem??????????????????????????
  10. Is nicotine a stimulant or a depressant?????????????????
  11. Sleep Paralysis ? What causes it? Is it related to PTSD or demons????????????????????????????
  12. Levels or types of Borderline Personality Disorder

Thanks if you were one of the early readers. If you missed one or want a second look the links are above.

Thanks folks.

This year we will continue our journey through cleaning up our past, learning to cope with feelings and problems and designing the kind of person we want to be. As always your comments are welcome.?


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